I should've taken my camera to the hair salon for today's photo...
So a couple months back I was feeling kind of crummy, I'd put on nearly 30 pounds in the last year and a half and was sitting at 240 lbs, torn the hamstring, was having the blood pressure creep up and was having heel problems and feeling old in general. About early March I realized it's going to be a long summer if I don't do something about it, so it's on with the shoes full time, more excercise, dietary restraint and seeing the doc for a change in BP meds. I figured I need to be down to around 220 by mid-June when biz picks up... well I've already done that, down to 216 this morning and I figure I might as well get down to 210 or under in the next month... Kinda stoked, don't notice the hamstring anymore, the heels are much better, the BP is in the range where it should be and I'm thinking maybe I can get down to around 185/190 (which I haven't been since I was 27 or 28) by the time I'm 50 this fall, then I can shave off my largely white beard, put on the contacts and maybe pass for 35/40 again...
...then I went and had a haircut today....
AAAAAaaaaaaggggghhhh (and I don't mean in an excited Howard Dean kinda way) Where'd all that gray come from? I'm looking at the clippings on the smock and practically half the hairs are white, substantially more white hairs in the clippings this time than in previous cuts. Guess I'll have to let my hair grow out long for my 50th, when it gets long the remaining brown bleaches out from the sun and you can't see the gray (at least at this point). It still blends in OK now but it definitely shows when it's short.
My wife is quite tickled that I'm getting gray.
Oh well, it is what it is, can't change the hair but I can still keep working on the other stuff and get myself in a more youthful condition.
Here's a shot of a male Whitley's Boxfish (Ostracion whitleyi) that Pat (the wife that is so tickled that I'm going gray) took a week or two back. They're rarely seen here. I've got some pictures posted earlier but they aren't as nice as this one.
Down 24 pounds, wow, great job, keep it up.
Good luck with the fitness and revamp! Very inspiring stuff :-)
Dude - I feel your pain about the gray hairs on the smock. About 20 years ago I woke up and said "what happened?" - noticing all of the gray on my head.
It happens. I go now to get my hair cut and I'm used to the shock of white on the smock. You get past it. At least I still have some hair to cut :)
Nice male Whitley's, btw.
All too true! My wife says it makes me look "distinguished", ouch.
Going diving this weekend!!
Thanks everyone,
I'm over the initial shock of seeing all that white on the smock. Doesn't show up that badly in most lighting situations just yet... but it's coming. I figure every hair cut from here on out will be more an more noticeable.
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