Save your originals! You never know when you'll find out something that'll help you fix a problem you didn't think you could overcome.
These are the random blabberings of a guy who owned "WANNA DIVE", a dive charter formerly in Kona on the Big Island of Hawaii. In this blog I might talk about Kona, I might talk about scuba diving, I might just ramble....
Sunduvan... you are deleted....
For those who are curious about why I delete some comments, here's how the comment above began:
"Hi..nice blog. Do you know that every year, around 500 billion plastic bags are used worldwide...." followed by a link to eco-friendly bags.
I'm not going to tolerate blatant self promotion, especially for things not related to diving/photography/Kona/etc, in the guise of "nice blog".
Interestingly enough, when I check to see where most of these comments come from, it's usually an ISP from India... people are actually paying companies to post comments on blogs these days.
Hello Steve, nice to meet you. My name is WangKhongHwee, I got some underwater pictures to share with you. "Such as Diving With Whale Sharks In Redang Island". If you don't mind, So please visit my blogspot. Thank You. Bye.
From : WangKhongHwee
Country : MALAYSIA, South East Asia
Attention everyone... I'm thinking the above comment is bogus, but I'll leave it in case it's genuine. Don't run the URL. On my computer I get a strong warning from Microsoft not to allow the page. If you click on "WangKhongHwee" it takes you to a blogger profile that says the webpage does not exist. If you google search "WangKhongHwee" you'll find three pages of results of blogs he's placed similar comments to the one above and also earlier on my blog. I tried googling "Diving With Whale Sharks In Redang Island" and could not find his website... normally if you google a direct quote you will find a website at or near the top of the results.
Perhaps he is legit, and has some security issues on his website, but I personally won't be looking up his pictures. Beware for now.
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