Thursday, January 17, 2008

Boy, do I do my share of dumb things.... Plus an underwater slideshow...

Yesterday Pat and I were going to go out on a little holo holo adventure on the boat.... ended up spending a large part of the day at the ER. I'm mostly in bed for the next few days with a torn hamstring. Ice, ibuprophen, hydrocodone and lots of sleep are what I have to look forward to for the next day or so. I get a new set of crutches out of the deal though. I'm hoping I'm only on them for a few days and can get back to walking speed shortly.

I hobbled to the computer to check my mail, and as long as I'm up I thought I'd try posting a short slideshow. I downloaded some free software off the internet to do it, my big gripe so far is I can't figure out how to check the progress of it while editing, it seems as though it's gotta be posted just to look at it, I'm probably missing something. Anyway... lots of fish pics to look at, most of them are on the blog somewhere. It can take a while to load, so be patient, and I'm not seeing a "turn off sound" button so my apologies to anyone who doesn't care for the music.




Tom said...

Okay Steve, nice slide show, hopefully the leg heals fast. Towards the end of the slideshow you have a pic of a blue or purple nudibranch. I haven't seen one of those, care to share what it is and where you saw it? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Great photos! Sorry to hear about the mis-adventure. You should have time to do some more blogging!

Now where is my mute button...

Steve said...

Thanks for the thoughts guys.

To Tom- I believe the one you are asking about it a Blue Dragon Nudibranch. They're pretty uncommon in Kona, but Bob says they're actually the predominant nudi found on the Mahi over in Oahu. I've seen them in about 5 spots over the years, a spot down south (Lava dome/Coral dome, and maybe another name or two) is where we saw this one. Surprisingly enough, that's where I was planning to take Pat (she's never been there) before I unintentially did the splits.

Here's a link to a post with the whole picture...

Susan said...

So sorry to hear of your injury---praying that you will heal quickly. I love the slideshow (I even like the music---it's a mini-vacation.....)

Steve said...

Thanks Susan.
