Well, it was a good vacation for us. We finished off our trip staying in Flagstaff and making day outings to Sedona. Here's a couple of shots from the Sedona outings. We did the obligatory barefoot crossing in Oak Creek below Cathedral Rock to get a shot of it reflecting off the water as sundown approaches and then on our last day we did something I've alwasys wanted to do... visit some cliff dwellings. The dwellings we visited in the Sedona area may not be as well preserved as some, but they were very interesting. Not only were we able to see structure, but there were plenty of ancient drawings too, some said to be carbon dated as old as 6-10 thousand years old.

Apparently at least the two ruins areas we visited had been used/occupied by 4 cultures over the years... the oldest drawings were done by an ancient civilization that used the spots for ceremony and such, while the actual structures and more recent drawings were initially done some 600-1000 years ago, with other cultures moving in as recently as 300 years ago. Facinating stuff.
It's nice to be home. My sinuses and lips are suddenly back to normal. It's amazing what 0% humidity does to you when you aren't used to it, you can literally feel things moisten back up as you step off the airplane back into the humidity you're used to.
Diet report... Wow, I only gained 14 pounds the last two weeks... probably a lot of that was yesterday eating french fries at a sports bar/book in Vegas while watching the ASU/OSU football game before our flight out. Fries are like a weight sponge, it'll be courious how fast, or if, the weight drops now that I'll be going back on the regular diet.... I ate about two years worth of fries, pizza, deserts and other garbage in the last couple of weeks... yummy.
Tomorrow will be a catch up day and then Tuesday we start charters again. These will be the last of the trip pictures, unless I decide to post one from time to time. From here on out it'll be "back to our regular programming" for the most part.