It was a cloudless morning today. The vog (a volcanic fog which hangs out in Kona when the tradewinds are blowing) had cleared out yesterday and it was still very nice today.
We had another dive trip scheduled for today. Just one passenger on board today. When I schedule a day trip and nobody else joins up, I still go. It makes for a fun trip for all of us. I did the first dive today. It was off the Kona airport, a drift dive from a site called "Garden Eel Cove" (where the manta dive occures) to the north to the northernmost moored site called "Hoovers". We popped down to 102 feet and then hit the shallows for a 71 minute dive. Highlites from the dive were garden eels galore, flounder, a beautiful hard coral reef and tons of fish. The second dive I played Captain while they did a 68 minute dive.
Here's a male Psychedelic Wrasse from an earlier dive. The females and juveniles don't have the colorful faces, but have red tails. The females and juveniles tend to hang out in small groups. When you see a group of good sized females there is often a male nearby keeping an eye on what basically is his harem of females.