Today was the coldest day I've experienced in Kona since moving here back in early '99. By 3 in the afternoon we'd hit 64 degrees. I was wearing sweats and on the couch with a blanket and an afghan and still freezing (I've got a bit of a cold I'm fighting and I was waist deep in the harbor earlier today). It's actually a tad bit warmer right now than earlier in the day.
We had a charter this morning... sort of... We met up with our group and it was rainig, which is no big deal. By the time we got to the harbor mouth the storm came in, heavy wind and the first fog I've seen on the water in my time here. We pulled back to the dock to see if it'd blow over and called it a day ten or fifteen minutes later. While we were cleaning the boat several other charters came in after calling it a day. Very crummy day for here. Everyone's diving with us later on in the week.
Well, apparently a couple of the other islands have had days like today for the last several weeks. Hopefully that's the end of it for us.
I found the little nudibranch above under a large archway and thought it looked slighty unusual. It looked very much like a fried-egg nudibranch, but I finally found it on Hoover's (he wrote the invertebrate book linked in the sidebar) website and it turns out it's a newly described fryeria species. I've seen them another time maybe and I've seen pics show up on the web that are definitley this guy and not the fried-egg nudi.
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