Not to be confused with the TV show back in '98 or so called "Wind on the Water" or something like that starring Bo Derek, which was filmed in Kona. I think the show lasted 3-4 episodes before they yanked it. The beach where they filmed it is one of the nicer little beaches here, you have to go in to Kehaka Kai Park (north of the airport) and walk in a few minutes towards the north from the parking area to get there.
I had a charter today. We had a nice stiff breeze for a good portion of the day, but it didn't really do anything to water conditions, which were quite nice. I played Captain all day so no diving for me though. I have another charter tomorrow, I think I'm staying up top then also.
We've been a bit slow the first half of the month, but the last half is scheduling up nicely. It was time to catch up on the yardwork and such. We cut down a 20 some odd pound bunch of ripening apple bananas today.... yum yum. I had a bad "banana experience" in the first or second grade - my sack lunch was over the radiator and my banana turned black and mushy, the mean (aren't they all) cafeteria lady made me eat it before I could go play - I'm not sure if I ate another entire banana in one sitting 'til I moved here.
This is a Longnose Butterflyfish (forcipiger longirostris). Much of the indo-pacific region has a common variety with a shorter nose, we have that one and this guy which has a very long nose. In Kona, and pretty much only Kona, we have a very rare coloration of this particular fish, I'll post it on my next post, assuming I can find my one good shot of one I've got filed somewhere in the depths of my hard drive. The long nose on these guys helps them reach inside coral heads to pick at foods.
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