We had a customer on the boat telling a couple jokes... here's one I can repeat...
What do they charge for piercings at the Pirate tatoo parlor?
OK, this one is better heard than read...
A buck an ear.
I got a kick out of that one.
I'm down at the shop today, have charters tomorrow and Monday evening then a few days off if the phone doesn't ring in the meanwhile. The last half of the month looks pretty busy.
Here's a shot of a small whitemouth moray eel. These guys are our most common eel, sometimes we make it through an entire dive without seeing any, but that seems to be the minority of the time... Hawaii has lots of eels.
This is another pic that I photoshopped out the blue. I should write down the steps when I do that, this pic turned out pretty accurate for color.
Doesn't that new camera allow you to shoot RAW images? Then just use the software to white balance.
It shoots RAW and I'm shooting RAW and JPEG at the same time. Frome what I understand, earlier versions (at least CS1 through CS3, both of which I have) of Adobe CS do not support the upgrade to the RAW editor for this camera, that's one of the evil things Adobe does, gotta have 4 or 5 to open the RAW files with the PEN. I've got CS5 siting in a box to be put on my next computer.
I have to put Oly's program on my computer or find another free RAW editor that'll work with the camera. I'm in no hurry to do either just yet, still playing with the camera, only had it wet 2-3 times. Got a throat infection right now, once it's gone I'll go diving and try some custom white balancing on the dive.
What a beautiful fish!
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